
Home / Privacy

We take the protection of your data seriously. Sometimes we need to collect personal data to provide the service you expect, and when we do, we will explain clearly what we are collecting and what we intend to do with it.

The data controller of this website is Keswick in Wales Convention, registered charity number 1196792, of 4 Highbury Fields, Llanyre, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6NF.

What personal information we collect

When you fill in the contact form, the site securely processes and stores what you enter, and emails it to us. We use it to respond accordingly, archiving correspondence just like you would expect any responsible organisation to do. The legal basis for this is “contract”, as we are fulfilling a specific request.

When you contact us by phone, email or post, we will also use your contact details and personal information to respond appropriately and store and archive it securely for 5 years.

When you book for the Convention, we collect contact and other information from you that is necessary to facilitate your attendance as a delegate and run the Convention efficiently. This information is stored securely until the Convention ends and for a reasonable archive period afterwards.

When you visit this website, the server and site security software may process and store your computer’s IP address (which contains approximate location information) within the scope of the law, to prevent unauthorised access and ensure the site works as intended. The server deletes these logs after 4 weeks.


This site doesn’t set any cookies of its own to track users or for any other purpose except as given below.

Some strictly necessary cookies are set when administrators log in to edit the site, to make the admin area function as it should. Members of the public are not expected to log in, so these cookies do not affect most visitors.

Where there are YouTube videos or other embedded content items within this site, the providers of these may set their own tracking cookies, but you will be asked for consent in advance before they do. This will be saved in a cookie so that you are not pestered more than once for the same type of content. Some videos (e.g. the sermons) are not embedded but instead send you directly to YouTube when you click them. In those cases you will be leaving the site and so our privacy and cookie policy no longer apply. Keswick in Wales Convention has no control over the content or operation of third party cookies once you leave the site or consent to their use.

How and where your data is stored

The site uses a securely encrypted connection to transfer any information you submit, and stores it in a database on the server, which is based in the UK. We take backups regularly which are stored, encrypted, on a Dropbox for up to 4 weeks. We use secure passwords to protect the data and do not share access with anyone except those (like the hosting company and Web developer) who are directly responsible for providing the services on which the site relies.

Disclosing your information

We do not sell personal data to anyone. We only share personal information when it’s necessary to do what you have asked us to do, or if we are legally obliged to.

Access to your personal information

You have the right to know what information we hold about you. If you contact us and ask, we will be happy to:

  • tell you what information we hold;
  • tell you why we am holding it;
  • tell you who it could be disclosed to;
  • update it if it’s inaccurate;
  • remove it (unless there’s a legitimate reason why we need to keep it); and
  • let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.

Links to other websites

This privacy notice does not cover other sites that this site may link to. Please read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit.

Changes to this policy

This policy was last updated on 22 August 2023. If we change this privacy policy in future, we will update this web page.

Making a complaint

If you feel that we have failed to meet these standards, please contact us first. If we don’t resolve things to your satisfaction, you can then complain directly to the Information Commissioner.